Wonder upRising guidebooks are wonderful workbooks for individuals and couples to gain self awareness and insight.

A wonderful book for couples to read together is “Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love.”

The best primer on trauma and a great book for individuals or couples to read together is Healing Trauma: Restoring the Wisdom of the Body. This is a great one to get on audiobook as it leads you into numerous experiential exercises.

Look for Tara Renee Breitenbucher’s next publication, “Couples on Course: A Journal for Your Journey Together,” to be published in the fall of 2021. This journal was created as a companion to couples therapy, though it can be used by couples who aren’t in therapy. It compiles crucial information for moving forward in positive ways by creating a shared future, connecting through conflict, curing ruptures in the relationship, connecting with intention, communicating authentically, and committing to walking the winding path together.