Having suffered from postpartum anxiety and panic attacks myself, I fully understand the devastating affects that anxiety can have on our lives. Although more people are anxious than depressed now in America, popular treatments are often quick fixes and bandaids that don't address the underlying causes. To treat anxiety we need to become tolerant of physical sensations, gain understanding and support around profound and terrifying feelings of dread, find ways to ground ourselves in what feels safe, and practice gaining a whole-mind perspective that calms our nervous system and allows for what is real in the moment to be fully experienced, rather than what our brains are imagining. I teach a mindfulness-like process, called Focusing, that helps us to accomplish all of these aims. It can be learned in a workshop, but needs to be practiced for full benefit. Though, unlike many other mindfulness practices, Focusing could be practiced in just 5 min a day.
In this workshop you will...
- Learn how Focusing, a long- studied, internationally known, and widely applied mindfulness process, practiced only 5 minutes a day can greatly reduce your anxiety symptoms and increase your sense of wellbeing
- Practice ways to reduce your daily stress and to calm your nervous system, thereby reducing symptoms
- Gain understanding about, and control over, your emotional and behavioral reactions
- Find and expand your safe grounding, so you have access to it whenever you become overwhelmed
For those with social anxiety, this workshop will be a small group and no group communication will be required. There will be time for participants to share with the group if they desire. If you avoid groups because of anxiety, this will be a very safe environment for you to experiment with addressing your symptoms in similar situations.
Call me for a free phone consultation to see if this workshop is right for you. Registration is $100 per participant. Registration closes June 1st.